Below are the reviews of the books that I've read as part of my 50 book challenge from 08-09 and of the book's I'm currently reading as part of the 09-10 challenge.

Thursday 4 March 2010

You need this book to get what you want by Mark Palmer and Scott Solder

You need this book to get what you want is by Mark Palmer and Scott Solder and is currently on sale at

Like most of you out there I’ve never read a self help book, the closest I You-Need-This-Book-to-Get-Whcame before this book was Feeling Unreal by Daphne Simon & Jeffery Abugel but that is about depersonalization and derealisation which as you can guess is a world away from getting what you want. But with a title that grabs you the way it does how can you not pick it up and read it?

Mark Palmer and Scott Solder are experts in their field of interpersonal dynamics and they took their corporate seminars that big multinational companies attend to get ahead and turned it into a book. With self help books like How to win friends and influence people and the like I’ve always looked at them as a bit ‘flouncy’ especially after participating in team building exercises in work. Surprisingly it isn’t though; in places it’s both wry and funny;

Most self help books are all about changing you as a person; they tell you how to be happy, easy going etc none of them teach the dark art of manipulation –until now. While I’ve yet to put what I read about into practice I don’t doubt it works a lot of it seems like simple common sense. Saying that though some of the other parts like reading people’s moods and being your own celebrity to get served at the bar quicker or to get someone to like you sound plausible but I’ve yet to try them.

One thing I will say though is while the premise sounds farfetched as regards it working a lot of topics and techniques –unsurprisingly are or at least were when I worked there taught by a certain UK telecoms behemoth to the advisors to get them to connect with the customer establish a rapport before over coming objections in the process of a sale. Now I know you’re 67698448thinking “all those advisors have a script” and while true there are scripts that the less able stick to the better sales advisors go off script and secure the sale usually quicker (and yes I speak from experience I was one of the sales advisors that got people to sign up to something you didn’t want, couldn’t afford or didn’t need.)

The bottom line is that this book works. I like many people out there have been taught how to sell, and it works. If this book is as easy to put into practice for the general public as the sales techniques were for me, keep your eye on the people around you they will be manipulating the situation to their benefit and you wouldn’t even know it. In short you need this book, not only to get what you want but to stop everyone else from getting what they want from you!