Below are the reviews of the books that I've read as part of my 50 book challenge from 08-09 and of the book's I'm currently reading as part of the 09-10 challenge.

Sunday 10 May 2009

book number 9 - Silk and steel

This is my first review of any book. Book number 9 is silk and steel by Catherine King, published by Sphere and available from amazon in paperback

From the very first page when I picked this book up I felt I was there, The vivid feeling of being in Yorkshire, written by someone obviously who not only lives here in Yorkshire but love's the place. Saying that though some of the descriptions of the area where the book is based, in parts can be a little over whelming.

The author -Catherine king, writes with great feeling, which helps to hold your attention and sucks you into the book. Which follows the lives and loves of Mariah Bowes the daughter successful Iron Master Ezekiel Bowes, himself a highly respected business man with deep dark secrets he wants kept in the safety of dark., He is a typical 1840's man. Who thinks a wife and daughters' place is in the kitchen, and a sons' is on a pedestal following in his fathers footsteps.

Reading this story about a young girl striving to survive after finding herself penniless and alone, after the death of her mother. You'd be forgiven for think nothing else could go wrong for her but does, then the question becomes does she have the fight to survive?

This is a powerful gritty story that I thoroughly enjoyed and recommend it to anyone who likes the Catherine Cookson style of writing is easy, Id say its somewhat more aimed at the women, rather than men but that could be true of many books and isnt always a bad thing. This book gripped me from start to finish; and I'm sure given the chance you'd enjoy it too.